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Interview from Vincent Everts

Vincent Everts is a trendwatcher and tech guru here in Holland. Last week I went over to his house to "catch up". I've got a video interview of him is coming as well. Just need to finish some videos for The Next Web first.

GabeMac, how much he learned from his Vodcast business errors?

"Gabemac is one of the first passionate vodcasters I know. He started in 2003 and has been an video enterpreneur since 9 years. He build huge audiences with his XoloTV, started to build a software platform for videocasting, that failed, he went to spain and did a daily show on which drew millions. Now he is back in amsterdam, does Viral Video Creative Consultanting, creates video's (for thenextweb amoung others) and plans his next show & exciting venture. What did he learn from his mistakes since he said he made many. It was a little hard because he continiouly talkes about his strength (passion, creativaty etc) rather then his lessons learns but in the end they show up. Who is Gabriel"



Mobuzz runner up for Fiasco awards

Apparently was one of 9 nominated companies to win the Fiasco award in Barcelona. No, this doesn't make me feel like a failure at all! Thank god Vista came out.

Microsoft’s Vista wins Fiasco Award - Apple 2.0

A quirky, slightly tongue-in-cheek project of the Catalan Association of Telecommunications Engineers, the Fiasco Awards are designed not to “criticize” or “engage in public derision,” according to their website, but to recognize that “technological advance is not a straight path” and that “success and fiasco are … head and tail of the same coin.”

“God rewards fools,” reads the award’s logo.

Using a balloting system weighted to ensure that “an opportunity was given to local projects,” a consolation prize went to SAGA, the Administration and Academic Management System of the Catalan Government.

The nine finalists were all over the lot, mixing the famous, the local and the obscure. The list included One Laptop Per Child’s $100 computer; Linden Lab’s Second Life; Google’s (GOOG) Lively; the DAB digital radio system used in Europe; the Madrid-based project; Maresme Digital, a project for bringing digital television to Catalonia; and some Linux-based free software packs distributed by the local government administration.

Here is the video. Mobuzz is number 4. Well at least we are with some big names. :-)



Mobuzz is closed

So it is now sprung out on the internet. Last week Mobuzz closed it's office. We were told that we would be able to continue, but as things go, that turned out not to be the case. There will be an official message from Anil today about what happend. All I can say it was a really great experience being here in MADrid, and now I am wondering what to do next. So yes I am looking for something new to do. Maybe something that was already offered, maybe start something new myself, maybe continue doing old projects with friends. So first thing I will do, what I am doing now, is take some time off, see family, friends, relax after the roller coaster ride of the last year. Being in Spain I have grown so much, although you wouldn't tell from all the party pictures it is true. I am not worried or sad about what happened. It is the way things go sometimes. It is time now to decide crap or cone folks. I decide cone.

I know a lot of people are worried at the moment about finding a job, there are lots of things going on out there. I am not worried. Being worried moves my focus to the negative. So I am going to probably be doing some traveling, hitting some conferences and putting up some of my own videos like I usually do. I am a vlogger at heart and will remain so till the end I think. I will miss working with my new friends like Meriam, Osi and Cedric a lot. But who knows what the future may hold. In any case life is an adventure, and with every door that closes a new one opens. Want some more cliches? Ok. here it is, "Fuck it Dude, let's go bowling!"

So now I am trying to figure out where to go. Back to Amsterdam, stay in Madrid, maybe Australia, Ethiopia, London, San Fran, Toronto, who knows. There are lots of options I have open. I will land on my feet somewhere. Curious to see where. Only thing is now I really should get some biz cards made. Hmmm.... Or maybe not. ;-)



Whatever happens

Whatever happens with Mobuzz and it's future, I know one thing is sure. I will continue with teaching, educating, fighting and spreading the word of internet tv, video blogging, and the freedom of expression in the audio visual form without borders and censors. It has been my passion for the last 8 years and I do not see it stopping anytime soon. I am not saying that Mobuzz is dead. Quite the contrary, I am seeing how powerful and beautiful this campaign to Save Mobuzz, and the affect for positive it has had. The comments and the support has brought me to tears more than once. Whatever happens, I thank you all. It has given me more than you can imagine.

Peace, love, and keep on buzzn!



WOW, the love

Since mobuzz launched there have been a flood of comments, blog posts, twitters and more. At the moment we really need more help as it is really slowing down. But the love that has been expressed is more than the haters, so much more. If nothing elese it is so nice to see how much people love the show. I really hope it can be saved, but it is not looking good at the moment. The meter is stuck on 15% and we should be at at least 20% by now. But that not withstanding, just look at some of the beautiful comments that have been posted...

Click on for more...

From JuanRomero

From KelseyB

I'm deeply upset. If i wasn't an Unemployed Student, i would be more then willing to help support. In this time of uncertain stability i'm finding hard to get work. When i do get some stable money behind me, I would be happy to put something foreword.
I do however have an idea to pass by you. I would think that if you run this campaign, not only for the next few days, but for the rest of the lifetime of Mobuzz you could maintain a little more support along side. I would think many of our fellow community would help in ways such as this.

I have also been reading some of the comments posted before me and as 'maeghith' talked about other outlets i must agree....I was waiting and watching on YouTube via the Subscriptions tab. I found this the easiest way for myself to get my Mobuzz fix. This is one reason why i found myself heading over to the homepages. If you could upload a campaign video, i think it could hit a 100 or more people on YouTube. The internet is at your power.

Good Luck...

From Stephzibi

I always preferred people who do things even if they make mistakes than those who do nothing. I cross the fingers for you and for Mobuzz

CIT to all the haters:

This wonderfull "hidden" crew delivered a DAILY freshup of "TOP" hightech News and Recommendations of interesting extrordinary websites, portals, gadges and software! FOR FREE !!!

To get your attentention, all shows have been never been the same. Not one content, not one background, not one T-Shirts !!! Not even in the different countries In Spain, France as the English site, which i visited daily here in Holland.

Mobuzz is the one and only realtime TV, discovering our WEB about the WEB.
And this with fun and multilinguale!

These French / Spain /Dutch / English teams worked hard daily to deliver the dailybuzz news.

It looks like, the crew has spend so much money (in servers and streams payments) and also in time, enthusiasm to work together, that they have forgot the need to stay alive.

It is clear, bussiness and money was not the first goal by this project ! It was the buzz!

This extraordinary club MOBUZZ delivered content, you will not find elsewhere on the web.

And now they need our support. RIGHT NOW !!!.....
Because time is running !!!!

Support NOW !!! ...

Send some money to the intire Mobuzz Team, they need to get to survive to deliver you further daily buzz !!!

All the best to the team, all the money you need for the deadline.....


From Ian

I've donated 100 Eur. I don't want a refund if you don't make it to your goal. Consider it a reflection of the enjoyment I've had over the last couple of years.

That said, I've always wondered how you were monetizing MoBuzz; obviously it's been tough but do consider a subscription based service. I'd pay a 5 Eur per month subscription.

Good luck but don't sell yourselves short in the hunt for funding.




NonSociety: Meghan talks about Mobuzz

Meet Meghan Asha, one of the coolest, geekiest and most beautiful bloggers on the internet. A dream girl for any geek like me. Today she talks about on her blog and how she really liked it. My week is made... Hell, my month is made now.

"Their video post today about backing up your data and photos is particularly informative (maybe, I’ll take their info to heart before loosing my next external drive). I’m upset that I can’t visit this company before leaving tomorrow. Perhaps, I’ll need to add this to my ever expanding list of reasons to come back to Spain (sigh!)."

Damn! Have a good flight Meghan. Well, it's probably a good thing that Meghan didn't come by the office as I would have to give her a ring immediately and ask her to marry me. And we all know how that has gone in the past. Still, I'll have a little bit more of a smile on my face doing the shows, knowing she will might be watching. Thanks for the post Meghan!

Just had an idea for the collest podcast ever. Meghan and Jag together. ;-)

picture from NonSociety: Meghan

Tags: nonsociety, gabemac, mobuzz, meghan, hitthejagspot, tech, bloggers, superstar



Interview with Apple Co-Founder Steve!

About a month ago I had the pleasure to interview Steve Wozniak for mobuzztv. It was for me (an Apple Fanboy) a DREAM COME TRUE! Steve also known as iWoz or Woz is the man responsible for building the first Apple computers. Most people talk about Steve Jobs, but Jobs was the man with the marketing ideas and style. It was Woz that actually designed and built the first Apple and Macintosh computers. Many say Jobs is the Father of Apple and Woz is the Mother of Apple. It was a great way to start my run at mobuzz, to interview a man who has shaped my life and experience with technology in such a big way. I know it sounds like I am ass kissing here, but it really was a honor and something I WILL NEVER FORGET! He was really nice, and someone to follow with his charity work and educational passions. So have a look at the interview and let me know what you think of it. [youtube][/youtube]
