Do you want to know the amazing story of how video games came to be the way they are today? I found this great 5 Part documentary series that takes us through Pong being made on an oscilloscope( I think ), to the Virtual Worlds we have today. And every beautiful Ms. PacMan, Legend of Zelda, Tetris and Leisure Suit Larry story in between. Although it talks mostly about Atari's scandals, it touches on others. Like the feud between Nintendo and Sony that dates back to the change from cartridges to disc. I loved this series. It was like my own personal histroy in front of me. Every console, every hype, to live through that. Fuck the Baby boomers and thier Televisions. We have FREAKN! VIDEO GAMES!!!!

You wanna know how long I've been playing Video Games? Well, I remember as a kid recording programs over the radio onto a cassette. Then on a camping trip to Washington, to help stop a highway being built in the neighborhood, (my mother the activist), we actually plugged in the Atari to the RV. Started playing the cassette tapes for hours, and finally after about 3 tries it would work!!! Voila! We had an amazing video game with 10 monochromatic pixels. Those were the days when software and games were all free. Now, according to the worldometers, Some 8 million $ have been spent this year on Video Games. Nice.

Discovery Channel - Rise of the Video Game Level 1
Discovery Channel - Rise of the Video Game Level 2
Discovery Channel - Rise of the Video Game Level 3
Discovery Channel - Rise of the Video Game Level 4
Discovery Channel - Rise of the Video Game Level 5

Note to all you "Viral Marketers". I'm sorry but if you don't know about video games, you have absolutly no idea why this video clogging Utube.